Privacy Policy

Dear user,

according to Article 13 of EU Regulation No. 679/2016, we want to provide you with a simple and clear privacy notice on how we will process the personal data that you give us directly when filling in the online form, as well as any information requests you send us through the contact options on our website.

This information is also provided to clarify the processing of data that we obtain through surfing on our website.

The Data Controller is Zac Fashion s.r.l., represented by its Legal Representative, with registered office in Vinci 50059, Via Leonardo da Vinci n°204 A/B, email address

The updated list of internal contacts and of data processors appointed by the Data Controller according to Article 28 of EU Regulation 679/2016 is available at the local title holder’s office in Vinci (FI) location Sovigliana, Via Leonardo da Vinci n° 204 A/B. 

For website visitors:

What kind of personal data we process:

  • Personal information
  • Contact data
  • Navigation data

Why we handle them (purposes and legal basis):

The personal data provided by users are used to:

• Respond to contact requests and provide information and clarifications about the services offered by the data controller.

• Arrange the organization of events, taking into account the number of participants in order to create the best conditions for their attendence.

• Communicate disclosure/information promoted by Zac Fashion s.r.l.

• Send informative and in-depth materials on the activities and initiatives promoted by Zac Fashion s.r.l.

• Subscribe to the newsletter service to be always updated on the activities of the data controller.

The legal basis for the processing is consent or the legitimate interest of Zac Fashion ex Article 6 of the Regulation, provided – in the latter case – that the fundamental rights or freedoms of the data subject do not prevail. 

Except as specified for the navigation data (see cookie policy), providing the data is optional.

What happens if we cannot process the data?

In case of refusal to provide the data, it will not be possible to fulfill the purposes of the processing described above.

How long do we handle them?

The personal data provided will be kept only for the period necessary to respond to any requests according to the purposes for which they were collected.

For everyone interested in online registration:

What kind of personal data we process:

  • Personal information
  • Contact details
  • Training related data
  • Tax data

Why we handle them (purposes and legal basis):

Personal data is processed to send informative and in-depth material to subscribe to the newsletter to be updated on all the activities promoted by the data controller.

The legal basis of the processing is the consent, or the legitimate interest of Zac Fashion ex art. 6 Reg. provided – in the latter case – that the fundamental rights or freedoms of the data subject do not prevail. 

Providing the data is necessary for commercial activities.

What happens if we cannot process the data?

Refusing to provide the data does not make it impossible for the Data Controller to complete the registration and training activities requested by the data subject. However, it can prevent the sending of informative and update materials for events subsequently organized by the Data Controller.

The personal data provided will be kept as long as it is necessary to manage the activities required by the Data Controller.

How long do we handle them?

Once the stated purposes have been fulfilled, the provided personal data will be deleted.

The personal data provided will be stored, for the specified purposes, only with explicit consent.

In case of annulment of the consent given for such processing, data cancellation will be carried out.


The processing of personal data takes place mainly through computer systems and with logic strictly related to the purposes outlined above and, in any case, in order to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the data themselves. Appropriate security measures are observed to prevent data loss, unlawful or incorrect use, and unauthorized access. 

The Data Controller collects personal data through specific contact forms or via email sent to the following email address: 

The Data Controller collects the personal data of users, who have given their explicit consent through a newsletter management service.

The Data Controller does not carry out any automated profiling or decision regarding the personal data provided during website navigation.


The personal data are processed by authorized internal employees, who received a specific training and are bound by professional secrecy and confidentiality.

Personal data are processed by professionals who handle the updating and maintenance of the website, formally designated as responsible for the processing of personal data.


Personal data will not be disclosed or shared with third parties.


  • Access to your personal data -> The data subject can obtain confirmation that their personal data is being processed, obtaining more information about the processing and a copy of the personal data.
  • Rectification of personal data -> The data subject may request the rectification to ensure the accuracy of the processed personal data.
  • Erasure of personal data -> The data subject can obtain the cancellation of personal data in cases refered to Article 17 of the GDPR.
  • Limitation of processing concerning them -> The data subject can request the restriction of processing if the data is necessary for the exercise or defense of a legal claim.

Regarding personal data processed by automated means, the right to data portability:

  • The data subject has the right to receive personal data in a commonly used structured format.
  • The data subject has the right to withdraw the consent given for the processing of personal data
  • Opposition to the processing of personal data 
  • The data subject has the right to object to direct marketing at any time. This website does not perform user profiling.
  • The data subject can ask for more information or exercise their rights by contacting the Data Controller’s contact point:

Zac Fashion S.r.l.

Via Leonardo da Vinci n°204 A/B – Località Sovigliana- 50059 Vinci (FI)


Tel: 0571 509708

The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

INFORMATION for job applicants regarding the personal data protection ex ART. 13 Regulation (EU) 679/2016

Zac Fashion S.r.l., in accordance with art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016, hereby informs data subjects about the purposes and methods of processing the personal data collected, their scope of communication and dissemination, as well as the nature of their provision.


The data controller is Zac Fashion S.r.l l, represented by the Legal Representative, with registered office in Vinci (FI)50059, Via Leonardo da Vinci n°204 A/B email address

The updated list of internal contacts and of the data processors appointed by the Data Controller pursuant to art. 28 EU Regulation 679/2016, is available at the Data Controller’s local unit of Vinci (FI) locality Sovigiana, Via Leonardo da Vinci n°204 A/B.


The collection of data takes place through submission to Zac Fashion s.r.l. by mail, e-mail, special form on the website or with direct delivery during the selection and interview by the interested party. 

The submission of data by the interested party may represent:

  • a spontaneous application
  • the response to specific notices published by Zac Fashion s.r.l. on its website or on third-party sites.

The collection concerns “common” personal data, essentially identifying, curricular and contact data, which are processed and used in full compliance with the principles of fairness and lawfulness and the provisions of law, to comply with the request of the interested party and, more specifically, to proceed with the verification of the prerequisites for hiring and/or starting a collaboration.

The collection will only concern common data; therefore, the user will not be required to indicate those belonging to particular categories as defined by art. 9 of EU Regulation 679/


The legal basis of the processing is the consent, or the legitimate interest of Zac Fashion ex art. 6 Reg provided – in the latter case – that the fundamental rights or freedoms of the data subject do not prevail.

The provision of data is optional and is subject to the will of the interested party, provided that the failure to give it makes it impossible to proceed with the collection of the application and the verification of the conditions to start the collaboration.

Your data may always be communicated to the judicial, supervisory authorities and public bodies. In this case the legal basis for processing is identified in compliance with legal or regulatory obligations.


Data processing is carried out through computerized procedures or by any other means, such as telematic or paper-based methods, authorized internal or external – customers and suppliers alike-, who are committed to confidentiality and will provide electronic processing, consultation and transmission (excluding dissemination). Data can be collected through specific declarations, online formats or questionnaires.

The data are stored in paper and/or electronic archives kept safe through appropriate security measures subject to periodic review.


Your data will be disclosed, if and insofar this would be necessary or in any case functional to the purposes indicated above, to the following categories of subjects:

  • companies that belong to the corporate group of which the Company is part of, for the purpose of managing privacy information.
  • other authorized third party or analysis companies for the sole purpose of answering to user inquiries or job applications, in order to fulfill users requests or to provide the requested information;
  • outsourcers such as suppliers and customers.
  • to subjects appointed as Data Processors. For the processing of data, Zac Fashion relies on authorized employees and collaborators. They operate under the operational and managerial control of the Data Controller. Your data may always be communicated to the judicial, supervisory authorities and public bodies.


Since MRC Academy S.r.l. operates globally, it may be necessary to transfer personal data to other countries for management purposes. It may also be necessary to make transfers to other countries where we operate. When we export personal data to another country, we will take necessary measures to ensure that such transfer of personal data complies with applicable laws and any adequacy decisions of the recipient countries expressed by the European Commission.

In the absence of a decision under Article 45, paragraph 3, we will only transfer data to recipients who have provided adequate guarantees and provided that data subjects have enforceable rights and effective remedies. To this end, we have included binding rules in contracts with third parties in accordance with the process approved by the European Commission and the General Data Protection Regulation.

Likewise, when we use third-party service providers and their services involve the transfer of personal data outside the country where the personal data was initially collected, we ensure that the third-party service provider has adequate data transfer mechanisms, such as data processing clauses and/or standard contractual clauses, to allow the transfer.


The data will be kept by the Data Controller for the period strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and, in any case, no longer than 1 year from their collection unless the establishment of a working relationship or the participation in one or more courses.


 The data subject may exercise the following rights:

a) Right of access: Obtain confirmation at any time whether their data is being processed and receive information related to such processing.

b) Right of rectification: Obtain without undue delay the correction of inaccurate data or the integration of incomplete ones.

c) Right to erasure: Obtain the erasure of their data without undue delay.

d) Right to limitation: Obtain the restriction of processing to storage only.

e) Right to data portability: Receive their data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and have their data transferred to another data controller, as specified by the data subject.

f) Right to object: Object to the processing of their data.

g) If the processing is based on the legitimate interest of the data controller, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing carried out before its withdrawal.

The data subject can address the Data Controller to exercise their rights recognized by the GDPR by sending a request to the following email address: We will respond to the request within a reasonable period, normally within one month, and inform the data subject about the actions taken.

With regard to  the exercise of data subject rights and the processing of their data, they can always lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority at the following address: Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 – 00186 Rome – –


This notice may be subject to changes and additions, also as a consequence of updates to the applicable legislation regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. Any changes will be promptly communicated, and the most up-to-date version of the information will be made available.