
Zac Fashion’s production is based on control and attention. From the initial stages everything is monitored, followed and verified. To describe the productive activity, the history of the birth of a garment: from the idea of the designer to the delivery to the customer.

Following a method that relies on both new technologies and handmade support, in Zac Fashion creation unfolds through its production phases.


Zac Fashion’s production is based on control and attention. From the initial stages everything is monitored, followed and verified. To describe the productive activity, the history of the birth of a garment: from the idea of the designer to the delivery to the customer.

Following a method that relies on both new technologies and handmade support, in Zac Fashion creation unfolds through its production phases.

the POWER of

It resides in the collaboration that the company establishes with the customer, followed throughout the entire production process.
The customer sends the technical references of the garment or the figurines.
Zac Fashion’s model office is responsible for digitizing the paper model in function of the successive productive phases. The card technique and the paper pattern are made available to the fasonist/manufacturer for the production of the sample and, in the meantime, the raw materials. Selected companies are treated to valuate their behaviour and performance. the creation unfolds itself.

Professionality and skills

In the placement phase Zac Fashion makes a scrupulous check, then it is cut. Depending on the realization requests and the materials to be used, the method is defined: automated or manual. Some cutting phases require “handmade” executions in a sartorial way.
Zac Fashion takes care of making the best finished adhesive needed to strengthen specific parts of fabric. The package created is delivered to the confectioners so that the article of clothing could be assembled.

craftsmanship and tailoring

When necessary needlework, as well as embroidery, are executed at hand following the dictates of fashion and the results expected by the customer.
Aware of the importance of the result takes care of the delicate washing phase of the garment even once packaged.

In the last part of the route we proceed, with a sartorial step, to the finishing of the accessories. Artisan hands take care of the garment until the final ironing stage. A check is carried out with specific attention to detail especially in the more delicate stages. Finally, the sample leader is ready for the packaging phases and shipment. The sample leader returns with requests for changes from part of the customer. its production stages.

from project to product

After removing all the defects, Zac Fashion starts the production process which is followed in every step that gave birth to the sample leader. During the production the control phase is further intensified, ensuring a result of choices and solutions adopted by professional craftsmen.
The flagship of Zac Fashion resides in believing in the strength of the client’s ideas, considering them the occasion to practice their skills and provide solutions to the most particulars.